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Preceptors - Social Sciences

Total Access@PacificU

If you are in a library database, odds are that the article is already available to you in a .pdf (in some cases, .html) format.  If that is the case, click the .pdf icon to open the article.

However, there will be times when the full-text article is not immediately available to you.  When that happens, you have two choices:  (1) see if the article is in another library database, (2) or order it using Interlibrary Services.  Either way, you use a link called Total Access@PacificU.

However, there are exceptions to Total Access@PacificU

  • PUBMED uses Online Full-Text Icon for Pacific University Library
  • ProQuest Databases uses Find a Copy


  1. The instructions for obtaining the article in another database is the first box below.
  2. The instructions for ordering the article is the second box below


Where the article is in another database from the one you're using

If you are in a library database and the article is NOT immediately available, chances are that the article is available in one of our other library databases. 

Using the ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection database, notice there is no immediate full-text for this citation.  Here are the steps to land on the article in another library database.

  Click Find a Copy.





Click Check Total Access@PacificuU





The full-text article is available in another library database.  In this example, the article is available in three other databases. 

Click Elsevier ClinicalKey Journals

If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your PUNetID/password.







Click the .pdf icon to open the article.

When you need to order the article

If you are in a library database, odds are that the article is already available to you in a .pdf (in some cases, .html) format.  If that is the case, click the .pdf icon to open the article.

If you are in a library database and the article is NOT immediately available, chances are that the article is available in one of our other library databases. But there will occasions where the library does not have access to the article at all.  In that case, you will need to order a copy, using Interlibrary Services

Using the ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection database, here is an example of where you order an article.

Click Find a copy






Click Check Total Access@PacificU




Click If the links above do not open the item, request a copy via ILLiad.

Enter your PUNetID/password.

Click Logon to ILLiad.




Click Submit Request (scroll to the bottom of the request form.)

















What happens now?  Interlibrary Services will send you an email with instructions once the .pdf article has been posted to your ILLiad account.