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Spanish Studies Capstone 2022

Finding Scholarly Articles & Books

The databases below provide BOOKS, JOURNAL ARTICLES and other scholarly sources for your Spanish Capstone. In general, you should use these sources to answer these kinds of questions: 

  • What background facts about my topic are already established by scholars?
  • What arguments do respected scholars make regarding my topic? (For example: Are there two or three main schools of thought on how your issue happened, or what should be done about it?)
  • Which studies have already provided evidence about solutions that work?

Beware, though: NOT EVERY source in the databases below is necessarily "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed." You must use your own judgment and experience to decide which sources are most compelling and most reliable. For more on this, see What's a Scholarly Source?

Spanish-Language Databases

General-Purpose Scholarly Databases

Subject Databases (Medical, Education, Politics, etc.)

Medical Journals

Education Journals


Literature, Film, History, and more