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American Revolution Primary Sources

This is a guide for students in Larry Lipin's HIST 341 class in Spring 2018, "American Revolution and Constitution."

Getting Started

Boston massacre2For Larry Lipin's History class on the American Revolution (Spring 2018), you will be researching and writing a project on the American Revolution. Professor Lipin will provide the full description of the assignment, but in a nutshell, you will need to:

  • Write a 10 page paper
  • Make an argument based on a Primary Source (like original letters, speeches) related to the American Revolution. Your argument should be about how the historical actors understood these problems and how they presented them in the primary source, not about what "really happened."
  • Use Secondary Sources like journal articles or scholarly books for background information and scholarly arguments related to your Primary Source. 

This guide suggests ways to find and cite sources:

  • Primary Sources - original documents related to the American Revolution
  • Secondary Sources like journal articles and books - use this to find background information and scholarly arguments about your primary source
  • Citation How-To & Examples shows ways to get citations in Chicago style
  • How to Get Access to things that are not available freely online: Summit and Interlibrary Loan

Image: Death of Crispus Attucks at the Boston Massacre, 5th March, 1770. (Champney, 1856.) American Antiquarian Society. Wikimedia Commons.