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Google Scholar

To access Google Scholar

Access Google Scholar via the library's website in order to link back to the full text of articles that we have at Pacific. 


Did you know you can connect Pacific's Library catalog to your Google Scholar results?? It's a great way to see if we have full text access to article results in Google Scholar!


To add Pacific University Libraries access information to your Google Scholar results:

  1. Using the menu on the left-hand side, Choose "Settings"
  2. Then, select the option called "Library Links"
  3. Then, type in Pacific University Library until the library shows up in the result.
  4. Finally, make sure the Pacific Library option has been check marked and added.  
  5. If successful, you should then start seeing options on your search results that say "Full Text at Pacific" This option means we have access through the libraries, so you should select that option to access the article from the library catalog.