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Open Educational Resources: 4 Ways to Save Students Money

an introductory guide for faculty and students exploring openly published course materials

4 Ways to Save Students Money

(...and make sure every student has the opportunity to engage with the required readings for your course!)

  1. Use existing library materials: Assigning journal articles or book chapters from our collection makes use of resources for which students have already paid. If you can't find something, just ask!
  2. Upload readings to Moodle: You can upload articles and limited portions of books without copyright concerns, even if they are your personal copies, not the Libraries'. (If you have copyright questions, ask us!)
  3. Ask us to purchase an e-book: If we don't own a book, ask us if we can buy it in a format that will allow multiple students to use it at once. If we can't, we can always put a print copy on reserve (or scan parts for Moodle). You can check Faculty Select for titles that have unlimited-user, DRM free options!
  4. Use an open textbook or OER: There may be a free book/resource available that meets your needs. These are usually digital, but many allow students to buy a cheap print copy if they prefer. Ask us for help exploring.

Call us, early and often!

Contact the library when you are developing or updating your syllabus.

We can help you find resources that will support your teaching and that won't break the (students') bank.

To get started, contact or call 503-352-1400