Helpful information on registering for and taking the NPTE from the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT), the organization that administers the exam.
In print at the Hillsboro campus Reference Collection (library use only).
"Realistic acute care cases help physical therapy students make the transition from classroom to clinic...Features National Physical Therapy Examination-style review questions accompany each case to prepare students for the boards...Analysis of case includes remediation content, saving students the necessity of having to go a textbook for answers"--Provided by the publisher.
In print at the Hillsboro campus library Main Collection (patrons can check out if available).
"Dozens of realistic neurology cases help students make the transition from classroom to clinic...Each case includes clinical tips, evidence-based practice recommendations, analysis, and references. Features National Physical Therapy Examination-style review questions accompany each case to prepare students for the boards."--Provided by publisher.
Not held by Pacific University Libraries. To access, click "Sign in for more options" and click "Request from Summit" on the Availability & request options tab. Enter the desired pickup location (Forest Grove or Hillsboro campus library) and click "Request".
Latest edition of McGaw-Hill's NPTE - National Physical Therapy Examination (2nd edition) is in print at the Hillsboro campus Reference Collection (library use only). Contains a self-assessment and four-part review:
Part I. The profession
Part II. Tests and measures
Part III. Procedural interventions
Part IV. Examination Preparation