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Streaming Video Center

Find information about library-provided streaming video content here

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many people can view a library streaming video at one time? 
    • At this time, all streaming video platforms used at Pacific University Libraries allow for unlimited simultaneous viewers. 
  • A video I want to use with my class is available on Amazon Prime / Netflix / other consumer streaming platform, so why can't the library acquire it? 
    • Some streaming videos are made available to individual consumers on platforms like Amazon Prime or Netflix, but are not made available for institutional licensing. The library has to acquire videos through vendors that offer institutional licensing. 
    • "Originals" produced by streaming content providers are often not available for institutional licensing, though we are always happy to check.
  • Can the library acquire a license for a major-studio film for me to use with my students? 
    • Possibly. We order major-studio films from Swank, a vendor that specializes in institutional licensing for such films.
  • Can the library get a streaming video for my organization's on-campus movie night / film series? 
    • The videos we license -- as well as library DVDs -- can be used in your classroom or individually, but they do not include public performance rights, unless you have been expressly told by the library that PPE are included for your specific use case.
    • The Student Activities Office can facilitate the acquisition of public performance rights, if available, for campus film screenings. 
  • How long does it take to process a streaming video purchase request? 
    • Processing time varies, but it can take up to 3-4 weeks to process a streaming video request, depending on the platform. The Libraries appreciate as much lead time as possible prior to your desired screening date. However, you can still submit inquiries about videos you would like to use sooner than that; timelines are highly variable and vendor-dependent. 
  •  My public library offers streaming videos through the Kanopy platform. Do the Pacific University Libraries also offer Kanopy? 
    • Pacific University Libraries subscribes to a product called Kanopy BASE, which is specifically for academic libraries. The titles offered may be different from your public library's Kanopy subscription.
    • Pacific University Libraries also buys individual 1-year licenses for Kanopy videos not included in this subscription, if requested by faculty and available for purchase on the Kanopy platform. 
    • While you may use Washington County or Multnomah County public library Kanopy access with your classes, keep in mind that this access is outside the control of the Pacific University Libraries, and some students may have barriers to securing a public library card.
    • We recommend that you notify the Libraries of streaming videos you plan to use with your classes, so we can do our best to ensure free, stable access for students through the Pacific University Libraries. That includes videos you would like to request, or videos that are currently available through the Libraries. Contact us at or use the Purchase Request form. 
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