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Pacific University Libraries Strategic Plan: Community


Convene Community. Provide spaces and facilitate programs for the community broadly or for specific populations that support intellectual or professional development, generate engagement with diverse ideas, or promote inclusion.

Convene Community: Strategic Initiatives

Develop a suite of orientation, development, and mentoring programs for faculty (especially new faculty and adjuncts)

  • Lead Department/Individual: CETCI
  • Activities:
    • Develop learning communities and support programs on teaching and learning from new faculty and adjuncts
    • Develop a certificate program for teaching and learning
    • Develop a University-wide faculty mentoring program
  • Timeline:
    • New Faculty FLC AY 21-22
    • Certificate Programs AY 22-23
    • Mentoring Program AY 23-24
  • Intended Outcomes/Assessment:
    • Faculty Participation
    • Faculty Satisfaction
    • Integration of content into teaching
    • Faculty retention

Develop programming to support first-generation students, in coordination with the First Generation Student Success Association and other campus partners

  • Lead Department/Individual: Dean/CLASS/LST
  • Activities:
    • Connect with FGSSA and other student organizations and identify opportunities to partner with/support existing work
    • Identify roles/responsibility within the Libraries to specifically support first-gen students
    • Implement new outreach/programming and assess
  • Timeline:
    • Outreach to student organizations: Fall 2022
    • Program/outreach planning: Spring 2023
    • Assessment/future planning: Summer 2023
  • Intended Outcomes/Assessment:
    • Increased sense of belonging for first-generation students in the Libraries
    • Strategies identified and implemented to address the 'hidden curriculum' of academic libraries for all students
    • Increased student engagement with Libraries resources and services needed to support their academic success

Convene Community: Core Activities

  1. Create employment opportunities for students and ensure student assistants are well-trained in accordance with best practices
  2. Provide opportunities for continuous skill development and learning by Libraries staff and faculty
  3. Maintain a comprehensive suite of professional development activities for teaching and learning with technology
  4. Create opportunities for faculty to critically evaluate the effectiveness of learning technologies and strategies in the classroom and develop the scholarship of teaching and learning
  5. Create exhibits that highlight and contextualize Pacific’s unique collections, and/or bring broader recognition to issues of diversity and global citizenship
  6. Create and sustain external collaborations that increase access to knowledge for our local and global communities