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Pacific University Libraries Strategic Plan: Information Access


Curate and Facilitate Information Access. Enable discovery and usage of information resources of any format or ownership; develop, manage, and preserve collections of information resources aligned with the institution’s mission.


Information Access: Strategic Initiatives

Increase accessibility to library resources, services, and both physical and digital spaces by implementing recommendations from the 2019 Accessibility Working Group report.

  • Lead Department/Individual: Accessibility Committee
  • Activities:
    • Implement key changes in relevant service areas (instruction, access services, tutoring)
    • Make changes to facilities (signage, spacing of furniture, etc.)
    • Work toward consistent and accessible branding (in collaboration with communication committee)
    • Update the PUL website to address ongoing accessibility issues
    • Offer an accessibility for faculty (including library faculty)
  • Timeline: Work to begin 2021-22 - scope of activities and specific deadlines TBD
  • Intended Outcomes/Assessment:
    • Improved accessibility in multiple areas of student interaction with the libraries, in person and digitally
    • Services are delivered in a manner consistent with best practices for universal design with attention to accommodating specific disabilities
    • Libraries spaces are physically accessible to all users
    • Libraries branding is consistent and utilizes accessible colors, fonts, and general design principles
    • Libraries website includes accessibility features for searching and navigation, and utilizes accessible design principles for color, fonts, etc.
    • Libraries provides faculty with opportunities to improve the accessibility of their courses (e.g. Moodle, in-person teaching)

Identify and implement sustainable models for ebook and streaming media collection development

  • Lead Department/Individual: Collection Services
  • Activities:
    • Assess current collections for gaps in content and formats
    • Reach out to stakeholders to gather information about e-resource needs (related to content and format)
    • Develop budget plan based on identified resources/collection models
    • Purchase/license resources and assess use
    • Develop process for evaluating and de-accessioning e-resources to ensure relevance and currency
  • Timeline:
    • Initial assessment: 1-2 years
    • Pilot new models: 1-2 years
  • Intended Outcomes/Assessment:
    • Students and faculty report they have access to materials needed for teaching and learning
    • Resources are available in multiple formats/versions as needed to support accessibility
    • Libraries have infrastructure needed to support access to purchased/locally hosted e-resources
    • Purchased/licensed resources are used regularly (based on usage statistics)
    • Resources available are relevant for current student, staff, and faculty needs

Information Access: Core Activities

  1. Acquire library information resources in physical and electronic formats
  2. Maintain library information resources throughout their lifecycles
  3. Develop and track budgets for acquisitions
  4. Contribute data for, and take action on, deselection decisions made for budgetary, space, and collection health reasons
  5. Participate in Orbis Cascade Alliance resource-sharing partnerships and consortial buying programs, providing access to a broad array of physical and digital sources
  6. Ensure library information resources are discoverable and accessible through activities including cataloging, classification, processing, and maintenance of metadata and access for all formats
  7. Provide equitable access to physical and electronic library information resources for all University constituents, regardless of location or physical/online learning environment
  8. Assist patrons in discovering and acquiring information resources from worldwide and consortial collections
  9. Provide front-line customer service and assistance to all local and distance patrons
  10. Develop and collect course guides and student success content that is physically and virtually accessible 
  11. Provide instructional guides that aid our users in information retrieval and access
  12. Maintain tools and platforms that provide users convenient access to electronic research materials
  13. Ensure the library website and online catalog facilitate easy discovery of resources and services for all members of the University community
  14. Ensure the digital library experience is in sync with the physical library, vended systems, current standards and user expectations
  15. Ensure current technologies increase the ease and efficiency of library operations
  16. Investigate new technologies for library or research use
  17. Provide training, documentation, and support for library technologies
  18. Work collaboratively with Orbis Cascade Alliance institutions across functional areas of the library to leverage shared expertise, capacity, and resources
  19. Provide assessment data for library collections according to metrics chosen by, and at the request of, internal and external bodies