• The Library provides ebook access to over 40 books that are part of the TreatmentsThatWork™ Series that provides authoritative coverage of evidence-based therapies.
•The manuals and workbooks in this series contain step-by-step detailed procedures for assessing and treating specific problems and diagnoses. But this series also goes beyond the books and manuals by providing ancillary materials that will approximate the supervisory process in assisting practitioners in the implementation of these procedures in their practice.
Researchers gain exclusive access to highly valuable evidence-based nursing information from The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). These resources include Systematic Reviews, Evidence Summaries, and Best Practice Information Sheets. The JBI's evidence-based approach opens a new world of education resources, with critical appraisal and meta-analysis that is highly respected and unquestioned in the field.
A clinical search engine designed to allow clinicians to quickly find answers to their clinical questions using the best available evidence. See the extensive list of resources that the database searches here.
EBP - Patient Treatment Guidelines
APA Guidelines for PractitionersAPA has approved a variety of practice guidelines and related criteria as APA policy in such areas as multicultural practice, child custody evaluations, and treatment of gay, lesbian and bisexual clients. These guidelines are intended to educate practitioners and provide recommendations about professional conduct. As such, they are useful tools for psychologists in practice to develop and maintain competencies and/or learn about new practice areas.
National Guideline ClearinghouseRepository of clinical practice guidelines created by various government agencies, non-profit groups, and professional organizations.
CMA Infobase: Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs)The CMA Infobase is a public database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Maintained by the Canadian Medical Association, it currently includes over 1200 CPGs developed or endorsed by an authorative medical or health organization in Canada.
NHS Clinical Knowledge SummariesA reliable source of evidence-based information and practical 'know how' about the common conditions managed in primary care. CKS is commissioned and paid for by NHS Evidence, a service provided by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Practice Guidelines are not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of medical care. Standards of medical care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available