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PsycTESTS FAQs, etc.

PsycTESTS® is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.



PsycTESTS is a new database created by the American Psychological Association which specializes in indexing the literature of both commercial and non-commercial behavioral instruments. 

So it shares coverage with both Health and Psychosocial Instruments (non-commercial instruments coverage) and Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests In Print (commercial instruments coverage).

But unlike either of its competitor instrument databases, PsycTESTS is a predominantly full text database.

And unlike full text literature databases which only provide access to articles referencing instruments, this database makes accessible the full text of the instruments themselves.

So when you find relevant instrument references in PsycTESTS, you can usually link directly to the instrument questions in pdf.

PsycTESTS Video Tutorials

Data Elements

Here is a list of the data collected for each test:

• AU Author

• AF Author Affiliation (& Corresponding Author Address)

• CB Construct - "what the test is intended to measure" (PsycTESTS, n.d.)

PO Population

• SU Subjects

• Test Alternate Names

• TA Test Acronym 

• TD Test Description

• TP Test Purpose

• TR Test Reliability

• VL Test Validity

• ZG Age Group

• ZQ Other Population Info

• ZS Supporting Documentation (type)