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SGP Resources

Within Database, etc.

Most databases have a link to us on your results page.

It is called Total Access @Pacific

Click on it & you can tell if we have the article in

  • electronic form
  • paper form


  • you will see a link to our Interlibrary Loan Dept

Obtaining Journal Articles

Use the E-journals link on the Library’s homepage to determine if the Library has web-based access to the specific journal and/or article.
* If the journal is available electronically, click on the journal link and enter the article citation information (HINT: If you’re unsure of the page numbers, or any other information, don’t enter it). This should bring you to the full-text of the article.
* If the Library does not have electronic access to the journal, use Interlibrary Services (ILLiad) to request the journal article. If you have never used ILLiad before, you will need to complete a one-time registration form: 

Please remember to include the ISSN (International Standard Serials Number) when completing your Interlibrary Services form! If you are using a Research Database/Index, the ISSN appears only in the full or complete display of the citation -- not in the abstract or citation-only display.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Angela Lee
Hillsboro Campus Library, HPC 1 Room 204,
222 SE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97123