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Moodle Tutorials: Using the Question Bank

Using the Question Bank

The Question Bank provides a simple way to organize and manage questions so you have access to them for future use. It also allows you to use random questions as well as re-use questions in later quizzes. This page outlines how to create categories within the Question Bank and how to add questions to those categories.

Creating a Category

1. To begin, click on "More" on the top menu shelf and select Question Bank:


Then select a category or use the default for already created questions for your course:


2. if you need to add a new category click on a pull-down menu on the top left and select Categories:


3. Select category:



 add category

4. Create a name for this category. You may wish to include a brief description of the types of questions that can be found here.



When you are ready to continue, select Add category at the bottom of the page.



Adding Questions to Your Categories

  1. To move questions from your question bank into the categories you create, begin by selecting Questions under the Question bank area of the Course Settings tab.


  2. First, select the newly created Category and click on the gear icon:

2. Next, select the question(s) you wish to move. Then from the drop-down menu select the category you wish to move them into. Finally, click Move to >> to move them to the selected category.



For more information on how to add questions to a quiz, see the Adding Questions to a Quiz page. For more information on how questions behave, see the Quiz Settings page.