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Moodle Tutorials: Navigating in Moodle

Navigating in Moodle

Navigating Moodle

There are two main page views you will encounter in Moodle: the Dashboard, and individual Moodle course pages.
  • The Dashboard has several main navigation areas: (see image below)

  1. The account @ menu - From here you can go to quick links from your myAccount or you can go directly to the Moodle Dashboard. 
  2. Navigation for Moodle - You can see all of your courses listed in the middle as well as with "Recently active courses" (some might be hidden so select "Show all courses").
  3. Returning to Dashboard -  You can always return to Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard on the upper left.
  4. The "Edit Mode" - is located in the upper right corner.
  5. Moodle Help & Tutorials - located on the right-hand side block. To show the block, click on the Blue half circle button on the upper right.


The Navigation within the Course is done by menus displayed on top of the content for the course. Keep in mind that you can get back to your Dashboard by clicking on the Dashboard menu item at the very top of the page.

You can open Boxes on each side of the course by clicking on semi-circles located on the top left and right. By default, they are hidden. The box on the left will display every item in your course and the block on the right additional boxes such as the Accessibility block and others you add to it.

You have more options for the course under More... One of the important ones is Course Re-use which will allow you to replicate content from previous courses you have taught.

Here is an example of open blocks in your course:

On the left-hand side:



On the right-hand side:


Keep in mind, you can only open one side at a time.  To add a block to the right-hand side first open it and then select the editing mode and then click on Add a Block:


As far as blocks are concerned additionally you can add them to your Dashboard as well by following the same method.