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Moodle Tutorials: Copying Course Materials from Another Site

Copying Course Materials from Another Site

Copying Course Materials from Another Site

The easiest way to copy your course on Moodle is to use the Import function to copy your course materials from one course site to another.

Go to More... menu on the menu above the course content and click on Course Reuse:



2. From the Course reuse page, select the course you want to transfer and click Continue. If the course is not listed, use the Search box. NOTE: Only courses for which you are the instructor will appear on this list.

select course to import

3. Next, you will see a page with options on what to include in the import. If you would like everything to transfer, select all four. If you would like to exclude activities, blocks, filters, or the question bank, uncheck the respective box or boxes and click Next.

import what

4. You will then see a page that shows all of the files on your course site. Select/deselect the files you want to transfer and then click Next.


5. On the next page, you will be able to view everything that will be transferred. If there are any mistakes, fix them at this point by clicking previous and going back to the pages before. Once you are satisfied with everything that will be imported, select Perform import.


6. Select continue on the next page and you will be redirected to the Moodle course where your materials have been imported.
